View Full Version : Maternity Leave and Start up Dates

05-10-2009, 11:14 AM

I am in the process of registration at minute, I am based in Scotland, I plan on starting minding (should all go smoothly with registration) on the 16th November which is when I am due to return to work. However, I just wanted to know if anyone here knows if I can start minding whilst on unpaid maternity leave?

I don't really want to quit my job and find that the minding doesn't kick off well and I'm worse off financially, so if I can I was planning on extending my maternity leave for unpaid leave until I get up and running with enough children on my books before giving my notice. What are the rules on this??? At present my job is in a call centre.

Thanks to all in advance.

Hannah. x x

05-10-2009, 11:54 AM
hi, im on maternity leave from my job at tesco, my pay ends mid november so im advertising minding vacancies from late november. Im not handing my notice in till feb when my full year is up so in answer to your question yes you can mind while on unpaid leave from your job:thumbsup:

hope that helps

charlotte x

07-10-2009, 04:32 PM
thank you - I think I will definately put in my notice to extend mat. leave to unpaid....