View Full Version : Things my mindee has said.

13-02-2009, 11:33 AM
Yesterday while walking down the street we saw a bloke on a pushbike with a dog on the lead (dog running alongside him). I pointed them out (as we are doing transport this month). Both stopped and went into their house. I said to J "That man is going in his house and I think the dog will go in his kennel"l. J pipes up "Yes, he will go in his kennel, like yours"


Anyone know the number for Ten Years Younger.

Left husband to it last night while I went to see a show, I don't think he had moved out of the chair :angry: This morning with mindee I told my friend my house was like a tip and I was going to sort it out. We got through the door J says "What a tip" :eek: :panic:

Bet he tells his mum lol (he's 3).

13-02-2009, 12:14 PM
On wed I picked up one of mine from nursery, was putting her coat on in the clockroom there were 2 mums in there with there boys and my lo pipes up "hes not coming to my party tomorrow as he is really naughty" (her 4th birthday was on thur and she was having a party).One of the mums walked out and the other one laughed. I nearly died, did say to mum that was left I am sorry but she was not talking about your son (although not sure which child she had pointed at so was being diplomatic lol) the mum laughed and said she wpuldnt invitei the other little boy either as he was naughty.