View Full Version : Daily Routine

16-01-2009, 06:20 PM
Does anyone have a daily routine on display so parents can see what the routine is for term time and holdiay time? If so, is it a requirement?

16-01-2009, 06:40 PM
i read in my eyfs that daily routine must be avaliable to the parents but i im not sure hun x

16-01-2009, 07:28 PM
Do we have to keep to it rigidly? Or can we just mention at the bottom that it can change sometimes? Of course you would tell them of big trips but most of the time it's just babygroups, playground, doing an activity at home or doing school/pre-school collections.

16-01-2009, 08:34 PM
I do have a daily routine with pictures to attach to it with velcro... have I used it yet eh no!!! oops!! My full time mindee is not yet old enough to understand the pictures yet and my part timers its a case of deciding when they get here exactly what activity they want to do. Maybe I ought to dig itout of the cupboard and put on the notice board!!!! :blush:

Never got mentioned at my inspection in december!:D

17-01-2009, 09:21 AM
According to the Eyfs you must share children's routines with parents, so I give them a routine at the beginning of each term and update them when things change.

As for a visual routine for the children to use, I have had tehm in the past and they are particularly useful for children who struggle to understand time eg when mummy is coming in relation to tea or when we go out to collect from school in relation to snack...

Hth :D