View Full Version : Learning journal

07-01-2009, 08:28 PM
Me again :blush:

Would you do a learning journal for a 1 year old or just a daily diary and then a journal when he/she got a little older.

miss mopple
07-01-2009, 08:29 PM
I do a learning journey for them from the start, nomatter how young they are.

They develop so quickly you soon build up a fab record for the parents

07-01-2009, 08:32 PM
The eyfs is strong on the concept of children learning from birth...

You need to gather information about the child from day 1 and start building up their learning journey :D

07-01-2009, 08:37 PM
great. I just wanted to make sure.

One other question though, if a child is minded by two childminders on seperate days would I need to deal the same as if a child was at pre-school so there was no clash of activities?

07-01-2009, 08:42 PM
You can clash activities if the child enjoys them... he can paint in both houses etc if he wants...

But yes, professionally speaking it's best to complement activities if the other minder will work with you :D