View Full Version : What would you do?

27-11-2008, 08:35 PM
I mind a 6 month old over night and his mum is really nice l feel very comfortable around her.This morning she asked me if he had his bottle before bed and l said he was tied.I explained that he had his dinner at 5pm then his bath at 6pm then l got him ready for bed and he sat in the rocker and he sat blowing rasberrys at us.He fell asleep at 7pm and l put him to bed.But she wants me to wake him up at 7.30pm and give him a bottle.Now hes fast asleep and dose not wake throught the night hungry anyway.Now l will not force feed a baby.Now would you wake him knowing that he was not hungry or do what the mum wanted.Hes a healthy wait boy and is not asking for milk.If he wanted it id give it.

27-11-2008, 08:38 PM
no i would let him sleep :)

27-11-2008, 08:42 PM
I would approach the subject with the mum again and find out what her exact reasons for this are. Explain to her what you've just explained to us.

At the end of the day, I believe we should do what the mum asks us to do in my opinion as long as it's not harmful but maybe she hasn't explained to you why she feels this needs to be done and you could have a chat about it and come to a decision together.

If you see what I mean.


27-11-2008, 09:04 PM
I would never force feed a child.

That's what got a Manchester nursery owner sent to prison recently.

I wonder if mum has been told by the health visitor that he needs xxx amount of bottles a day for his age and she is worried he's missing out on one.

I would speak to mum and say he's absolutely fine and if he wakes you'll be right there with his bottle :D

27-11-2008, 09:06 PM
See to me force feeding a child is abuse as if he wanted it he would ask or if there was a medical reason then different .Now what she dose at home is her bussiness but in my care l dont wake a child to feed when they only ate 2 hours ago.Ive worked in the nhs for many years and have had lots of training and l would not wake an adult that was healthy and not hungry it just not right so why should a baby get treated with less respect.

27-11-2008, 09:08 PM
I would never force feed a child.

That's what got a Manchester nursery owner sent to prison recently.

I wonder if mum has been told by the health visitor that he needs xxx amount of bottles a day for his age and she is worried he's missing out on one.

I would speak to mum and say he's absolutely fine and if he wakes you'll be right there with his bottle :D

Thankyou thats how l feel.She did say that he needs so many for his age but im not waking a sleeping baby as his weight is fine.Im sure as she has him all day that she could fit another one in.

28-11-2008, 09:29 AM
Surely the Mother should be relieved that he is sleeping throughout the night! I wouldn't wake the baby and feed him either, that to me is not a nice thing to do. If the baby is hungry it will wake up. Explain to the Mother that it's more than likely that he has dropped that feed now as he has moved on to solids, which is a very natural next step.

28-11-2008, 09:44 AM
waking him for a feed is only going to encourage him to wake MORE for bottles.

28-11-2008, 11:09 AM
I think you need to have another chat with mum - maybe she thinks this is the right thing to do.

Good luck

Miffy xx

28-11-2008, 11:56 AM
So if you wake him up and he does not take the bottle, just write this up in the diary and send the full bottle back home the next day.

Keep doing this and she will stop sending it as it is a waste.

28-11-2008, 12:22 PM
Whilst I wouldn't wake him if asleep, I don't think waking him up and giving him a bottle can be described as 'force feeding' him if he drinks it willingly when woken.

28-11-2008, 01:55 PM
maybe you could try giving him the bottle before he goes to bed insted of waking him half hour later , then if he dosent drink it keep sending the bottle home letting mum know that he know longer wants the bottle.

28-11-2008, 04:50 PM
HWhy not try giving him a dream feed, I have a lo that I babysit 2 nights a week & mum said that he goes to bed at 9pm well when I get there at 6pm he is already getting sleepy so I have him in bed for 7.30 most of the time he falls asleep on me so put him to bed then artound 8pm I give him a feed while he is asleep which he takes willing & does not wake most of the time.


28-11-2008, 05:20 PM
I was wondering whether you could give him his bottle at bedtime? If he's getting sleepy at 7, then maybe give him a cuddle and his bottle before putting him down to sleep. I'd hate to wake a sleeping baby to feed him but if Mum feels he should have the bottle then I'd try to work it into his bedtime routine. At 6 months, my DD had her dinner about 5ish and then a breastfeed at 7 when she was getting ready for bed.

This way, everyone is happy and lo is getting his milk which at 6 months, he does still need.

Princess Sara
28-11-2008, 07:36 PM
I wouldn't say it was harmful because even though you would be waking him up and offering him the bottle, you really can't force him to take it. I dreamfed my LO for the first few months at 11pm to help him sleep through a bit better, but if you're sure he doesn't need it then bring it up with the mum again. Explain your reasons and ask for hers.

I do think you should do what the parents ask to a certain extent, they're the parents and you don't want to upset any routeens they may have.