View Full Version : existing injury diagram

04-11-2008, 12:35 PM
does anyone have a diagram of a child front and back where you can mark where a child is injured? been googling and can't find one.
I have a paper one, but no photocopier or scanner


04-11-2008, 12:42 PM
Try this, http://www.devon.gov.uk/accident_log.pdf or http://www.devon.gov.uk/index/cyps/early_years_and_childcare/eycs/providers/docbank.htm


04-11-2008, 01:04 PM
they are fab thanks

I have found this too jus in case anyone wants to write their own...

04-11-2008, 01:08 PM
spent ages making one and then there is some in my ncma accident and medication folder :rolleyes:

But I am thinking seeing as these seem pretty important to ofsted that maybe I should carry some in my bag so that if I am doing pick ups from school and they they don't have some I have one....