View Full Version : working with other settings

29-09-2008, 05:32 PM
What do you think ofsted are looking for as proof that we liaise with reception/nursery ?
I'm a bit stumped as to what to ask for really. I've asked for copies of newsletters and topics being covered. The school were really nice and said I would be invited along to the next literacy evening etc. All very nice but where's the proof that I attended ?
I have done a working in partnership with other settings policy , so do you think that if I just keep the newsletters that will be enough ?

29-09-2008, 05:35 PM
Maybe a photo of you with the early years team... all wearing name and setting badges?

With your faces blocked out for confidentiality of course :laughing: :laughing:

Something in your planning notes saying ... x did xx at nursery, to follow this interest we will be doing xxx

Or maybe in your observations ... nursery said x can do this now... :D

29-09-2008, 05:47 PM
oh yeah! thanks Sarah :thumbsup:

might take up the photo idea :idea: 'this is me talking to teacher' ' this is me at literacy meeting' :laughing:

29-09-2008, 05:54 PM
i have got meeting this week about to minded children one in pre school one in reception spoke briefly to both teachers and i am getting yearly plans of each then break downs of them
I had meeting with some one from early years team on friday she said to put all this in the childrens files and saying that i am complementing it.

29-09-2008, 06:48 PM
What do you think ofsted are looking for as proof that we liaise with reception/nursery ?
I'm a bit stumped as to what to ask for really. I've asked for copies of newsletters and topics being covered. The school were really nice and said I would be invited along to the next literacy evening etc. All very nice but where's the proof that I attended ?
I have done a working in partnership with other settings policy , so do you think that if I just keep the newsletters that will be enough ?

they just asked me as when they read one of the diaries it stated that the teachers told me he had an accident at school. I told them that I always ask the teacher how the childs day have been and if theres anything I need to pass onto their parents.