View Full Version : Great Happy Meal Toys

10-06-2018, 04:53 PM
DD had a happy meal today and got a fab little toy. It was a stopwatch. Really easy to use and chunky enough for little hands. We've only had it for a few hours and already it has been used in lots of different ways.

Just a heads up! A great little addition to your outdoor maths resources.

10-06-2018, 06:38 PM
oooo, thank you! ... if only you could choose what you got and not whatever random toy is put in that week! I do know that if they can, Macdonalds will swap toys for you, but our closest is at least a 45 min drive away ( at least! ) so isn't somewhere we go that often!

11-06-2018, 08:01 AM
Some branches (I refuse to call them "restaurants") will sell you the toy without having to waste money on the Cr4ppy Meal. :thumbsup:

11-06-2018, 11:06 AM
A good find and glad to hear they are producing good toys again.

I kept all our happy meals toys from when the boys were young. I took them into school for the ‘how things work’ box. Excellent play that taught forces. Children at school would then bring me theirs when they had clear outs so the box grew so big that a whole clas could do technology classification, wind, push, pull, spin, levers etc in one big play session, the year 6 would often mention this in their leavers assembly. Each school I went to I left them a box and took the rest with me...spanning from the mid 80’s. There was a period of soft toys, but they didn’t meet the criteria unless you pulled a string to make them vibrate.
When I Childminded they were one of the favourite child choice play activities, they liked the characters too and grouped and counted, explored and experimented through their play with them.
We culled a load on our move...but still kept them, they are in storage now...awaiting grandchildren.

When I was in France last year I needed to get to Wi-fi quickly on our journey south so we called in at a McD’s ...the coffee was wonderful, so much nicer than they serve here, a big choice and a great range of salads, similar to the NewYork city one we visited once. I think that the Brits must be less discerning as they offer a different menu here. Which is a shame as it’s reputation might improve if they took on their mainland European menu.