View Full Version : Re-inspection of Cms who are Inadeaquate or RI...

30-11-2015, 10:55 AM
....at the moment the system is not the same for CMs who have to wait until the next cycle of inspections while nurseries and pre-schools are re-inspected within 12 months.

The Ofsted response to pacey explains further....worth keeping an eye on this in future.


The link will not allow you to read the response but this is the important bit

''Some types of provision - namely childminders, childcare on domestic premises, before and after school care, holiday schemes and creches - now have to wait for the next inspection cycle for their re-inspection if they receive a 'requires improvement' grade. This can mean that their re-inspection is some years away. Non-domestic settings such as nurseries and pre-schools, on the other hand, are guaranteed a re-inspection within 12 months.

Gill Jones, Ofsted’s Deputy Director for Early Education, has written to PACEY Chief Executive Liz Bayram to explain the reasoning behind the decision.

“You raise an important issue and one that the policy team is currently discussing”, explains Gill Jones in the letter. Limited resources and the need to prioritise the re-inspection of settings which provide the most number of places are the main reasons behind the decision.

However, she goes on to emphasise that the current inspection cycle finishes in July 2016, and that Ofsted is currently looking at how best to prioritise inspections in the future and “drive more rapid improvement in settings that are not yet good”.

Whilst Ofsted can make no guarantees, she says, the aim is for ‘requires improvement’ and ‘satisfactory’ childminders to be inspected as soon as possible in the new inspection cycle.

Whilst we recognise the particular funding restraints that Ofsted is working within, PACEY’s view is that placing childminders and childcare on domestic premises in the same inspection category as informal childcare is misguided, and runs contrary to Ofsted's aim of ensuring poorer settings improve quickly or are removed from the register.

We welcome the opportunity for continued dialogue with Ofsted on this issue'' (End).

30-11-2015, 11:39 AM
This is so true for my local area as I have been tracking the inspections for early year settings since Sept 2012.

So far 3 nursery's got the grade inadequate with all of them being reinspected and getting goods. There was then a further 10 nursery's who got requires improvement and 8 of them have been reinspected and acheived goods or outstandings. There is just 2 nursery's who have got a requires improvement currently who will most probably be reinspected before the end of the cycle.

5 childminders got inadequate and all of them have been reinspected with 2 of them getting good and 3 of them getting requires improvement. There is also a further 12 childminders who got requires improvement so there is now a total of 15 childminders at requires improvement who wont be seen until next inspection cycle.

As a side note there is still 47 childminders to be inspected this cycle and 11 nursery's to be inspected.

AS it stands percentage wise Nursery's currently have 95% outstanding/good wereas Childminders have 70% outstanding/good - quite a difference and very much impacted by the 8 nurserys who got reinspected in requires improvement as