View Full Version : emergency contacts

01-04-2014, 08:03 PM
Do you carry details of your emergency contact and then they contact the parents or do you carry details of the mindees parents?
Also what info do you carry about the children?

01-04-2014, 10:09 PM
I carry details of the childrens parents contact numbers and doctors number with a picture of the child so emergency services know which child is which if I can't tell them, and any allergies they may have, also an emergency number for my dh in case it's me that's injured

hectors house
02-04-2014, 06:52 AM
I have a credit card wallet with details of mindees - names, address, phone numbers (work, home, mobile), DOB, Drs - also have my emergency childminder details in there. Also have sign on my car saying if I am involved in serious accident that the children in car aren't mine and to phone my husband at work where he holds emergency contact details for each child (if he has to leave immediately if I am injured - he has parents permission to give list to personnel officer to ring parents).

On first aid course last week, the instructor asked about emergency childminders and asked how long it would take them to get to my house - he was surprised when I said 10 mins at least - has he ever tried to get 3 children out of the house (some may be sleeping) and into a car, let alone drive across town - that is providing my emergency contact is at home! For this reason, I have several contacts but no guarantee anyone could drop everything and come.

02-04-2014, 09:44 AM
I carry details of the childrens parents contact numbers and doctors number with a picture of the child so emergency services know which child is which if I can't tell them, and any allergies they may have, also an emergency number for my dh in case it's me that's injured

I do this but I also have the 2 emergency contacts as well in case parents can't be contacted.

When my children were at school I also carried details of which school, which class and the school number in case I couldn't tell someone.