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View Full Version : Walking-bus to school

06-03-2014, 02:05 PM
My local school holds a breakfast and after school club in the hall and now has a new 'walking to school bus' which is basically 2-4 parent helpers picking up children along the roads and walking them with Hi-Vis jackets down to school. It's separate from the club and it sounded like a great idea and I knew although the breakfast and afterschool club DOES affect my business I knew the walking bus wouldn't.

It started just after xmas and to start with there were 4 parents and a school helper walking about 16-20 kids down to school. It's free which is great as parents just take their children to the meeting points along the road to be picked up. I don't think its aimed at working parents but just to stop the traffic building up and getting the children to walk to school.

Week after week it's dwindled down to 3 children this morning with 3 adults which is a shame as these adults/parents give up their time and obviously parents have got a bit fed up with it after 8 weeks or so.

It's all fine with me until the children I walk to school see it as some sort of competition which is quite embarrassing at times. :rolleyes:

06-03-2014, 04:55 PM
Oh I wonder why it has dwindled in numbers. Ours is really, really popular. I think ours is aimed at working parents and the 'stop' is right outside the tube station, so parents can drop off the kids on their way to work. The school does an awful lot to keep its profile high. The adults who run it are soooo professional and safety is so obviously paramount, unlike another one that I saw in another area where the children were too spread out and the helpers were just having a right old natter.