View Full Version : My new mindee can't eat gelatine..

Jelly Baby
03-02-2014, 12:33 PM
His religion means he can't eat pork or gelatine. I have obviously been over this with mum at the meeting when we met and once again after but I'm not getting much out of her!
So no pork..no jelly..haven't been told anything else?! Does anyone else know what they can't eat that contains gelatine please?

I'm ok for dinner as only have him 1 night a week but puddings im struggling on.

03-02-2014, 12:42 PM
Loads of things have pork gelatine and pork derivative in especially sweets and puddings and like you say some jellies - you will have to read the labels.

I find A good sign to look out for is 'suitable for vegetarians' helps narrow things down and saves on reading lots of small print.

03-02-2014, 12:52 PM
no jelly or marshmallows.

most haribo are made with gelatine too. ( but you can get haribo giant strawberries ( in a green bag ) that are vegetarian and also, I think its called funny mix ( strawbs, cola bottles and stars ) I prefer them to regular haribo now! )

I use agar agar for making jelly with ( using fruit juice )

pudding wise I usually do yogurt/fruit/custard etc and none of those have gelatine in them.

some commercial ready made mousses ( choc/lemon etc ) are made with gelatine. if I am doing this, then I use something like angel delight.

some icecream may have it in, as may cheesecakes. the easiest thing to do is to read the labels and find out! gelatine can be in the strangest of things!

DDs best friend is veggie, as are several mindees, so its something I always look out for.

Jelly Baby
03-02-2014, 12:55 PM
Thanks ladies.

Well I don't give sweets so their out!
He doesn't seem to like custard or angel delight..
Tbh mum says she doesn't like the calories so doesn't mind if he doesn't have pudding but its hard when all the others are having it and scared im going to give him something wrong!

03-02-2014, 01:10 PM
I would stick to fruit at pudding times :)

03-02-2014, 01:14 PM
Haribos are the worst when school age children are concerned! My school has a no sweet birthday policy, I did used to send in raisins - the kids were horrified!!

I bought some halal haribo type sweets from Morrisons in a tub, I would swap them over with ordinary haribos if needed.

03-02-2014, 01:50 PM
This is where I would ask mum to provide the food. Maybe im a coward but then mum is in control and knows what food lo is getting.

I have a lo who is lactose intolerant and this is exactly what I do with mum.

03-02-2014, 02:02 PM
This is where I would ask mum to provide the food. Maybe im a coward but then mum is in control and knows what food lo is getting.

I have a lo who is lactose intolerant and this is exactly what I do with mum.'

Does she provide lactose free food!?? I had a parent once who insisted her little one was lactose intolerant, so as you do I asked her to provide food and omg I couldn't believe it she provided food which wasn't lactose free and even asked me to give her little one lactolose because she was constipated. of course we didn't last long. :panic:

03-02-2014, 02:24 PM
Gelatin isn't difficult to avoid, no processed puddings, fruit and yoghurt, cakes are ok...check labels...

03-02-2014, 02:26 PM
A lot of biscuits contain it

jackie 7
03-02-2014, 03:41 PM
Having worked for a family as a nanny when mum was obsessed with mad cow disease I spent a long time trying to fi d products that had pork gelatine not beef. I found lots with beef bug nog a log with pork gelatine. So not all gelatine is pork.

03-02-2014, 04:38 PM

Does she provide lactose free food!?? I had a parent once who insisted her little one was lactose intolerant, so as you do I asked her to provide food and omg I couldn't believe it she provided food which wasn't lactose free and even asked me to give her little one lactolose because she was constipated. of course we didn't last long. :panic:

Yes she does x mum is also lactose intolerant x

03-02-2014, 06:52 PM
I have noticed a lot of the longer life yoghurts have pork gelatine in them x

03-02-2014, 09:36 PM
His religion means he can't eat pork or gelatine. I have obviously been over this with mum at the meeting when we met and once again after but I'm not getting much out of her!
So no pork..no jelly..haven't been told anything else?! Does anyone else know what they can't eat that contains gelatine please?

I'm ok for dinner as only have him 1 night a week but puddings im struggling on.

Have you thought of a 'dietary requirement' form?

They can be useful if you put 2 sections
1. food child is allowed
2. food not allowed
That will be a starter and you can buy what the family provides until you get more aware of the gelatine content in food.

04-02-2014, 12:18 AM
if you stick with vegetarian foods you cant go wrong as obviously there are no animal products in them.
And I didnt think you could ask parent to bring in food just because its difficult for you, as its seen as discrimination. Well it is discrimination. If you are providing food for children you cant have different rules for one child, as its not inclusive

04-02-2014, 06:43 AM
Most people with religious dietary needs stick to them and of course, I would too when asked.

I had one child who had the same with gelatine and pork, I stuck to it religiously (why wouldn't I) only to discover at his birthday party that he was eating jelly, haribo and marshmallows! Mum was absolutely shocked when I told her unless she'd bought special ones they all had gelatine.

So all along he'd been eating it anyway. My point is don't always listen to parents advice, if they send something with gelatine without realising, you feed them it, whose to blame?

It's not too hard our main pudding is yoghurt and fruit anyway.


Jelly Baby
12-02-2014, 02:18 PM
Thanks guys I think ill ask mum for a little bit more input and see. Appreciate your help.