View Full Version : ADHD and aspergers

01-12-2013, 04:45 AM
Does anyone have a good site they can recommend dealing with very early signs of these two conditions? Also which professional can give a diagnosis ? Is it not till they are 3?
I have a 23 monther with signs but mother has no idea and is defensive (see my thread 'a very naughty girl'). I am hoping to bring it to light through the 2 year assessment. But where would the mum go with that?
Advice and anecdotal stories much appreciated as it seems to be falling to me to help
Mum here :(

01-12-2013, 05:08 AM
Looking at the early years outcomes list it is hard to say where she is not attaining her two year old levels as they are very general. None of the communication or PSE ones really deal with cognitive stuff - that doesn't really come till later.

Only two levels are: beginning to respond to the feelings of others (PSE 16-26 months)
and beginning pretend play.
She does neither of these things. This isn't really enough though to warrant taking the concerns to a professional.

The communication aspect which is really bothering me (lack of empathy) is only 'plays alongside other children ' for this age range so that is no help.

I wonder if two is too young to tell?

I had a two y o last year who showed all the same signs imo but this third year has transformed him into a child who is now reaching all the targets albeit not a brilliant communicator or empathiser.

I wonder if i shouldn't mention this to mum yet and all the anxiety it brings - especially if there is nothing we can do anyway if she is?

01-12-2013, 08:27 AM
Looking at the early years outcomes list it is hard to say where she is not attaining her two year old levels as they are very general. None of the communication or PSE ones really deal with cognitive stuff - that doesn't really come till later.

Only two levels are: beginning to respond to the feelings of others (PSE 16-26 months)
and beginning pretend play.
She does neither of these things. This isn't really enough though to warrant taking the concerns to a professional.

The communication aspect which is really bothering me (lack of empathy) is only 'plays alongside other children ' for this age range so that is no help.

I wonder if two is too young to tell?

I had a two y o last year who showed all the same signs imo but this third year has transformed him into a child who is now reaching all the targets albeit not a brilliant communicator or empathiser.

I wonder if i shouldn't mention this to mum yet and all the anxiety it brings - especially if there is nothing we can do anyway if she is?

Playing alongside other children is 'parallel play' which children slowly develop into 'co-operative' play at around age 3...please see any good child development chart for this ...Tine Bruce is a good example

between the age 2 and 3 children go through one the most extensive phases of their child development...that is why the Progress check at 2 is so vital and important to identify any 'additional needs'

As the child is 23 months you can start his/her Progress check at 24 months and monitor her development closely...
ask mum 'how she plays at home' and the amount of signing she does...why was she taught to sign?
does she have communication issue or is her speech just developing as it does in a typical 2 year old behaviour?

If later on you are still worried than look at this training which is coming free from January
Free autism training to roll out in January 2014 | Nursery World (http://www.nurseryworld.co.uk/nursery-world/news/1140778/free-autism-training-roll-january-2014)

I am not sure why you have mentioned ADHD and Asperger...unless the child has clear signs of both?

Look at parallel play too
What's Parallel Play? (http://www.whattoexpect.com/playroom/playtime-tips/what-is-parallel-play.aspx)

01-12-2013, 12:18 PM
I think she does have clear signs of both and a few parents of children with these conditions have posted here.
Mainly lack of cognitive engagement, empathy, inability to settle to anything and aggression.

However if there is no useful early intervention to be had, we may as well wait and monitor and see if things change before upsetting parents with possible labels.

Thanks for all your thoughts xx

01-12-2013, 08:39 PM
I am guessing that the ADHD idea is from the hyper activity in rushing about climbing and knocking other children over like a mindee I have did when he was younger until diagnosis and medication.

The asperger traits were in the rest of the original post.


01-12-2013, 08:58 PM
The ADHD is also seen in failing to concentrate or engage with anything for more than a minute or two

03-12-2013, 07:52 AM
The ADHD is also seen in failing to concentrate or engage with anything for more than a minute or two

Jadavi...I think it would be best if you and the parents decide to approach the HV and get this discussed ...I ma sure the HV would carry oit a check on this child
Autism and Asperger are a very complicated subject and you need professional advice on your child
Please ensure you seek it for his/her sake

03-12-2013, 08:12 AM
I feel .....
The only people who can make decisions about a child's medical conditions are trained qualified practioners.
The world of the internet where we can all go and fit symptoms to a syndrome is dangerous.

Despite what people read or hear very few children are diagnosed with autism and aspergers ...in my experience ....lots of people say their child is on that spectrum from self diagnosis as could happen here...as a way of explaining their LO behaviour/ habits etc...

Like Simona has just said - if you are so anxious and sure it isn't just a 2 year old learning about life, spatial awareness, what is right and wrong ...then seek expert advice.

Complete a thorough 2 year check based on focussed observations with parents and pass this information over to the HV who can then review in the light of his/her visit to the home, when she sees her interact with mum etc...

03-12-2013, 08:23 AM
All you can really do is try to encourage parents to seek medical advice. No one from pre school or school mentioned anything to me as a parent then when troy was in year 1 he was all over the place and when I mentioned it to gp I was told " do you really want your child labelled" so I did not proceed. Then when he was struggling in year 3 we did carry on and get the ball rolling for an assessment it did take over 12 months to get a diagnosis of aspergers and 6 months ago was also diagnosed with ADHD we have not gone down medication route. It was only this October we have a SEN statement with regards to education and my son is now currently in year 6 so as you can see it is a very long process.


hectors house
03-12-2013, 08:32 AM
Having a label for this child's behaviour won't change the child - you need to adapt your environment to meet the needs of this Unique Child.

You could use the "Early Years Development Journal" which allows you to record smaller milestones than those in Development Matters - here is a link Developmental Journal for Children and Young People with Multiple Needs | UK children's charity | National Children's Bureau (http://www.ncb.org.uk/early-support/resources/developmental-journals/developmental-journal-for-children-and-young-people-with-multiple-needs)
- I did think I had seen one for children with Autism, but I can't find it at the moment.

03-12-2013, 12:27 PM
I have a child aged 6 who apparently has been diagnosed aspergers but is still going through the process of being assessed so I'm totally confused at the moment and not being kept in the loop unfortunately but this was first suggested when the child started school and 3 years later they are not much further down the line but I was told by the school unless parents consent then nothing can be done as they have to sign the paperwork in school to get the process started.