View Full Version : children with speech delay

24-10-2013, 10:39 AM
At the moment I have two children I care for both with speech delays. Parents are aware and have been referred for speech therapy but there is a delay in getting seen. Child one who was 2 in March can say a few words , tree , green, car, bus, teddy, keys although they are not all clear.He doesnt always follow instructions either and I have to guide to things. Only had this child in Sept. Child two who was 2 in June , has recently started saying Mama, Dada, Baba, he has been coming since he was one and hasnt moved on. He will sing the tune of twinkle twinkle and a few others but it is nnn nnn nnnnn nnn and no actual words. I have been trying to sign with them but neither seem interested in that either. I was wondering if anyone has any better ideas and if its better to go BSL or Makaton. Thank you in anticipation as I know you clever people out there will have some ideas x

24-10-2013, 11:55 AM
Watching thread with interest because I have just had a new starter aged 2 1/2 with delayed speech. Very good understanding but really only says yes, no, mummy and daddy clearly. Also waiting for referral to speech therapy. I will be working closely with parents and Playschool with this issue. Interested to hear other experiences.

24-10-2013, 02:14 PM
Carry on with the signing - make sure parents are joining in at home too - it makes all the difference.

I'd combine it with other visual clues - a little communication book and a visual timetable - so the children have lots of ways of communicating with you :D