View Full Version : ideas for 10 year old.

16-10-2013, 09:14 AM
I was hoping for some ideas for a 10 year old after school. As she is my only older one I need ideas that babies can be involved in too. But then things that won't be too young for the older mindee. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks

16-10-2013, 10:10 AM
It's my experience that 10 year girls, when not with their friends like to talk to grown ups!

Every 10 year old is different but anything Arts and crafts was their hook at our afterschool club plus loving to play with younger childrens toys, dolls, home corner whilst pretending that they are helping the little ones - it is such a shame that children these days feel they need to be grown up to early.
Whenever my year 6 spent time in Reception or nursery the little ones didn't get a look in in the role play area or sand!

The best y5/6 activity on wet play sessions for girls was a designing clothes resource we bought at the Christmas Fayre- lots of templates so the relunctant designer could get great success.

If interested in reading she will love reading books to your younger children too.

Homework time might be helpful if she is there until late and parents are happy. She will probably have some research to do for something.