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19-08-2013, 10:56 AM
Can anyone help, I've had this come back and my brain is not functioning today im not sure what she means. Sorry for being thick lol

4.2 you could give two examples of how you would accommodate children of varying ages ( e.g pick up time, what would you do with the children not being picked up at this time, school run how would you make this a good experience for a baby a toddler and a school aged child, this sort of thing).


19-08-2013, 12:28 PM
ummmm, my brain isn't working either today, but ... on the school run with littlies - looking out for particular colour cars/numbers on doors/looking for animals. I have a 3yr old who loves to look for the toy frog that lives in a flower basket that we walk past ( its always in the same place, but every time, child is ecstatic to spot frog! :D ) sometimes we sing songs on our way to school and do all the actions. maybe stopping at the park/to look at sheep/whatever you pass on the way. sometimes we pop into the shops on our way past to buy food for the piggies or something to have for snack or with tea.

at collection time - mine are all collected after tea, so once we've all cleared up from tea, we sit and read books together - some read on their own, sometimes the older ones read to the younger ones, sometimes I read a story to everyone. sometimes we use puppets/act it out, but I try to keep to really short stories, so that a child can stay to hear last bit if time to go. I have a selection of books from the library, plus lots of my books - fiction & non fiction, picture books and books for the older children that are just words.