View Full Version : complaints book

10-07-2008, 09:11 AM
Hi guys,
I wrote up incident reports with regards to my nutty lady i gave the notice to. She since wrote wierd and wonderful concoctions, completely fabricated about what actually happened that evening. It is her way of trying to get out of the contract. She has not made a complaint about me.
Do i write it up in the complaints book? What do i write.... blah blah...i gave lady notice... blah blah ..she was abusive.... she made up a pack of lies?... or is it only if it is to do with the kids?
She hasnt actually made any complaint.
ps. and kids were stuck with taxi the other night as they couldnt contact her either and no one was in to look after the kids.
(so its not just me) x

10-07-2008, 09:52 AM
You only need to put it in your complaints book if she has made a written complaint which relates to one or more of the standards ...

So unless she's been specific, I would just keep a note of everything she's sent you and whatever you've sent to her, in case of repercussions. :D

10-07-2008, 10:01 AM
done!! ok - so my complaints book stays beautifully pristine! xx

10-07-2008, 10:31 AM
Yes I agree, don't put it in your complaints unless it's official otherwise you will have to share the info with other parents. :(