View Full Version : Portfoilios??

09-07-2008, 05:28 PM
Apart from your policies what else do you have in your portfolios?


09-07-2008, 05:33 PM
Certificates, CRB checks, insurance certificates, policies, procedures, fees anything that a prospective parent, or CSSIW, would want to see, before signing on the dotted line:D . I am gonna give the parents a seperate policy book of their own when they sign.

sue m
09-07-2008, 05:43 PM
I also give them a folder for themselves with all the policies in but haven't thought to put copies of my CRB checks and certificates etc. Maybe I will. They have seen them cos they are in my own folder which they looked at and also on the notice board in the hall. I write about me and my family cos I'd want to know about people and their families if I was leaving my kids with them. I put photos in as well cos my family don't often come up here. I also put poems in that I've seen and think are nice about children and childminders and I put a list of dangerous plants and what happens if they should eat them and a list of common childhood illnesses. It's surprising how many parents ask me what a rash might be when they've got chicken pox or something lol. I found a lovely picture of a small baby crying and on the pic it said I cry for many reasons but never to make you angry. I stick all sorts in that catches my eye. They go home with loads of paperwork and a thick folder!!!

Sue x x

09-07-2008, 05:51 PM
I also give them a folder for themselves with all the policies in but haven't thought to put copies of my CRB checks and certificates etc. Maybe I will. They have seen them cos they are in my own folder which they looked at and also on the notice board in the hall. I write about me and my family cos I'd want to know about people and their families if I was leaving my kids with them. I put photos in as well cos my family don't often come up here. I also put poems in that I've seen and think are nice about children and childminders and I put a list of dangerous plants and what happens if they should eat them and a list of common childhood illnesses. It's surprising how many parents ask me what a rash might be when they've got chicken pox or something lol. I found a lovely picture of a small baby crying and on the pic it said I cry for many reasons but never to make you angry. I stick all sorts in that catches my eye. They go home with loads of paperwork and a thick folder!!!

Sue x x

I think we are doing a similar thing I have my own Portfolio folder and then I have a seperate policies and procedures book to give to the parents. The CRBs and certs are in my folder along with policies for the parents to see when they first come - when they sign a contract they will get their own Policy book. I have basic summary info for them to take before they sign. The CSSIW want childminders to do a Statement of Purposes which is supposed to be given to prospective parents with all relevant info in synopsis form.

09-07-2008, 06:10 PM
My portfolio has my Statement of Purpose, all policies, procedures, 3 week menu plan, crbs, insurance certs - including - house ins, car ins, pli, boiler check certs, copy of driving licence, training course certificates, sample contracts, child record forms, permission slips, parent & child questionnaires. I also have some wallets at the back with leaflets in about car safety, Foundation Phase, how to choose a childminder, local Cis info

The parents tend to look through this on their first visit while I play with the child.

09-07-2008, 08:52 PM
a pretty cover hehe

introduction of myself,family and home
certs (courses)
fire escape plan
house rules,
risk assessment form,
message form ambulance service (ice code)
insurance papers (photo copy)
thinking of copy of my driving licence

09-07-2008, 09:49 PM
thank you letter & references from parents :)

09-07-2008, 09:57 PM
hi. i also put thank you cards and letters from past parents, (sorry didn't realise it was already said above)lol. good start for first post

miss muffit
09-07-2008, 10:00 PM
driving licence
course certificates 1st aid etc