View Full Version : Stopping school runs

12-06-2013, 07:47 PM
My own children started making their own way to and from school a year ago which meant that I had no school run and absolutely loved it!!! Problem now is that I have a mindee whom I have looked after for 4 years who starts school in Sept and I have agreed to take him and pick him up. Had to do a one off school run with my kids today due to a school trip and it was tipping it down!!!! We all got soaked and it made me think about how much I don't want to be doing it in Sept :(.

The Juggler
12-06-2013, 09:08 PM
you know I'll admit I quite like doing the school run, I like the fact we have to go out in the fresh air whatever the weather and breaks up the afternoon (maybe not in the torrential rain though).

If you don't want to do it maybe persuade parents that after school club would save them money??

12-06-2013, 09:10 PM
I hate school runs lmao :)

12-06-2013, 09:23 PM
you know I'll admit I quite like doing the school run, I like the fact we have to go out in the fresh air whatever the weather and breaks up the afternoon (maybe not in the torrential rain though).

Me too although I was beginning to think I was the only one :lol:

12-06-2013, 09:29 PM
I stopped school runs last September and don't miss it one bit. I will loose one child through not doing the school run this September. But think no more getting wet it always rains at 3

12-06-2013, 10:18 PM
I stopped school runs when my last child left primary school. Gave other child notice then - she had been with me 8 years but it had to be done. The walk was horrible - through our old estate, up 90 steps to the main road, over road and a steep path up to school. Hated it even with my own kids and often took a roundabout bus trip to avoid it!

No schoolies for me now - except maybe some inset days/hols for ex mindees who I love to bits :)

13-06-2013, 05:13 AM
I stopped doing them at Xmas. It would through choice, just the way it worked out as after schoolers ended up going to soo many clubs.

13-06-2013, 06:02 AM
I stopped school runs last September and don't miss it one bit. I will loose one child through not doing the school run this September. But think no more getting wet it always rains at 3

So true! I wonder if there is a scientific reason for it raining at 3pm. It always rains here at 3, even if it is the only 1/2 hour in the day that it does.

13-06-2013, 06:16 AM
I love doing my school runs! Not only is it fresh air for the children, but gives me some exercise too ;). I generally miss the walks to and from school when I'm not needed :( xxx

13-06-2013, 06:37 AM
I have my own son at afternoon nursery and enjoy walking to fetch him at tea time (generally too rushed at dinner to do it) but I do have a car if weather bad or running late as have 9 month old mindee. I am not looking forward to it today though as I need to take to car into garage. Got to take it walk maby 3/4 hour back this morning then up to school and back at dinner, then up to school and back to garage at tea time..... Trust it to be today when rain is forecast all day!!!! I really do envy the minders that don't have cars and do it all the time x

13-06-2013, 07:05 AM
I do three runs and without a car and its not fun when its freezing or tipping down :-( x

13-06-2013, 07:10 AM
I love doing the school walk! Kids love going too, but I take kids out in the rain, with rain coats willies kids love splashing getting the chance to use umbrellas. They also love the school play ground, we always hold back, last ones to leave! a safe place for kids to let off some steam.

13-06-2013, 08:14 AM
I do four school runs two days a week (one in a morning, two separate lunchtime finishes and a 3.30 one) its lovely in the sun, getting out and about but I've definitely been seen stomping in the rain cursing myself for not driving and muttering about starting my lessons ASAP!
I think minders can get v lazy when they drive though, one near me literally drives up the street to do school runs even when she only has one child!

13-06-2013, 08:25 AM
I stopped school runs in September & love not having to go out. It was only a couple of days a week I did, but you could guarantee those were the days the weather would be horrible.

The children here still get plenty of exercise & fresh air, but it means I haven't got too drag them away from their games when they're happily playing, nor have I got to wake them up if they're asleep.

We will sometimes go out for a walk to meet my daughter as she's on her way home from school, but it's nice to be able to have the choice :)

13-06-2013, 08:29 AM
I don't mind the school runs now, at first I found them a real tie down, the only one that I don't like is Fridays as I don't have any kids during the day but still have one after school mindee and if we want to go away for the weekend I have to wait about all day just for an hour...

jackie 7
13-06-2013, 10:01 AM
After being a nanny for so long now I don't do school runs. I have more freedom. No getting soaked in the bad weather.

13-06-2013, 12:31 PM
I agree that children can get lasy if you drive all the time but like other have said it is nice to have the option to use it if needed x