View Full Version : Policies & Procedures

10-06-2013, 04:31 PM
I've got siblings starting with me next month. One is full time the other is just after school. I normally get parents to read all my P&P's then on a desperate sheet they sign to say they have read, understand and agree to them.
With siblings is it ok for the parent to sign one form or do I need them to do it for both children? Trying to cut down the paperwork the mum has to do :)

10-06-2013, 04:47 PM
I've got siblings starting with me next month. One is full time the other is just after school. I normally get parents to read all my P&P's then on a desperate sheet they sign to say they have read, understand and agree to them.
With siblings is it ok for the parent to sign one form or do I need them to do it for both children? Trying to cut down the paperwork the mum has to do :)

I presume this is a typo! Very apt!

I do one for each child, even siblings. One of everything, contract etc.

10-06-2013, 05:41 PM
Haha yes it was a typo. It does sum up how I'm feeling though :)

Daisy De
10-06-2013, 06:06 PM
I have siblings and I only give out one set of policies but my signing sheet which Mum returned has both children's' names on. As the hours/costs are also exactly the same they only have one contract too, I would do two if for example one was under 5 and one at school. My permissions sheet is one per child though so Mum has had to sign those individually and for each child, as are child record forms and parental responsibility forms. Just the way I do it I suppose, not totally sure about the contract and whether they should have one each but seems unnecessary in this instance.

Daisy De
10-06-2013, 06:07 PM
Typo made me smile by the way, very apt as Rick said :)