View Full Version : CYPOP5 5.4 Struggling for words

28-04-2013, 06:46 PM

I've been working through this CYPOP5 course all day and my brain has now just about stopped working!

I can't get started properly on 5.4 which i think is task 7

"identify how and why it is important that children receive equal treatment and access based on their individual needs and acknowledging their rights"

I think I've covered the "rights" bit and the "why" bit but Its the "how" I need help on

Can anyone just give me a little bit of advice or start a couple of sentences off for me?

I think I need a break but the baby is finally asleep so I want to get this section finished while I have peace and quiet!!

Thanks :) x

28-04-2013, 08:20 PM
I think it's a case of giving examples of how, so if you had a child who's fist language was french, you'd maybe include since french books, or if a child was deaf you'd find a way to ensure they knew that a smoke detector was going off..that kind of thing? Hoping someone more sure will be along soon!!!

28-04-2013, 08:40 PM

Would agree with messy but happy it is about giving some examples. So you might say if you were doing the same activity for two children at different stages of development how you would adapt it so that it met their learning needs. So if you made a picture using shapes you might choose to focus more on the creativity element for the little ones who are too young to understand shapes, on the colours or size of the different shapes for others, on the actual shapes for some and for the older ones talk about the 2D or 3D shapes linked to them like a triangle and a pyramid.

I hope that makes sense I am a bit tired and my brain is going!

Good luck.
