View Full Version : enquiries coming in for reception children ?

mrs robbie williams
25-04-2013, 06:40 AM
do they still count in our ey numbers if they are just starting reception so still 4?

25-04-2013, 06:48 AM
Once they have started in September they are then classed as rising 5s. If they have phased settling in I would cover my self and do a risk assessment if I already had 3 in the ey bracket just to cover myself for those few weeks just in case an inspector arrived on my doorstep if I was having the child before and after school while settling in. Fortunately our school does a very quick settling in one week half days then all day.

25-04-2013, 06:57 AM
I think that until they are in full time education, ie; attending school every day all day they cannot be counted as an over 5, some schools reception children do a few weeks of 1/2 days.