View Full Version : Observations

11-04-2013, 10:09 AM
I av just done an obs on a little boy that recognises cars that are familiar to him, while looking through the window a car went past the same as his grandmas and the same colour he said that's like grandmas car!! Where would this link in the eyfs and what could b next steps?

11-04-2013, 12:03 PM
I av just done an obs on a little boy that recognises cars that are familiar to him, while looking through the window a car went past the same as his grandmas and the same colour he said that's like grandmas car!! Where would this link in the eyfs and what could b next steps?

There isn't really anything in DM about having a good memory for things. Some children do and some don't, rather than being a typical 'development stage' that children go through, it is more of a personality type I think. I have known of toddlers who could name ever petrol station brand on sight or who could memorize stories.

You do not have to link all obs to DM areas- DM does not cover everything every child might ever do. You could put CL if you want to if the fact he was using words like that was a new stage for him; or even a bit of UW as he is thinking about 'people and communities' he is part of (his grandma).

And make a next step which is relevant to the child- you don't mention his age but if he is old enough you could make a car-logo lotto game or car-logo matching pairs game; or just follow his interest in cars generally (if he is interested in cars, it might just be a memory skill he has rather than a car fascination!) like using cars in paint, cars in sand/gloop etc. You do not have to write a next step at all, unless a natural one seems right and useful.

jackie 7
11-04-2013, 01:26 PM
I have wows mento into learning journals. I don't link everything. Not only is it for ofsted but also for parents to enjoy