View Full Version : World Down Syndrome day.....

19-03-2013, 08:54 PM
Hi all,
I've minded for a family for 3.5 years.Mum had a baby last May and he has Downs. They didn't know he had Down's until he was born and it was Mum who noticed it-the doctors hadn't even picked it up!
When baby was only 3 days old she rang me-bless her, she was still coming to terms with his diagnosis but she was worried that I wouldn't want to look after him because he had Downs!! Bless her......!
Anyway,fast forward 10 months and I have been caring for baby for 3 weeks now. He is the most adorable, scrummy, delicious little man who has settled extremely well and is a massive delight to care for.

Thursday is World Down Syndrome day and I would love to do a little craft activity with my other 3 pre schoolers just to recognise the fact that he is extra special and that he has his own day to celebrate who he is.
Any ideas what I can do?...nothing too fancy as theyre only 2 and 3 years old and i don't want it to seem patronising if you see what i mean.........also want to portray to Mum that every one here accepts him too.
Thanks xxx

19-03-2013, 09:00 PM
Can you find something on cbeebies to do with mr tumble?

19-03-2013, 09:04 PM
that's a good idea-will have a look.Thanks xx

19-03-2013, 11:15 PM
Maybe look in mirrors and talk about different eye colours etc/ draw pictures if they want to. As they do it tell them about how LO has an extra something inside him that helps make him who he is and that people all around the world are having a special day to celebrate having that extra chromosome.

Then maybe have a party lunch (maybe they could help put food out?) and afterwards play with balloons as a simple way to celebrate that they would relate to?

Now I've written that I think it may be rubbish/ not work :blush: but hope you all have a lovely World Down Syndrome Day anyway x