View Full Version : Where in EYFS does it have about continuity of care?

07-11-2012, 09:46 PM

Before Sept I had a variation in place to enable me to have 4 eyfs children on a Thursday morning, so that one of the mums could extend her hours at work for a child who was already attending. I now need to move him to a different day and wanted to make something for the parents to sign to say they agree to me exceeding my numbers on the other day. I have been through the EYFS and cannot find anything about exceeding numbers for continuity of care.

One of my parents manages a nursery so I know she will check the EYFS so want to word it right

Jo x

07-11-2012, 10:25 PM
Hi, I have just looked through the EYFS and can't find it, but have discussed this matter with lots of cm's and seen it on here so it can be done for continuity of care, I'm sure Sarah707 will see your post and offer some advice, it will be interesting to see if it is written down anywhere

christine e
08-11-2012, 06:51 AM
See what you mean 3.29 mentions siblings but doesn't use the term 'continuity of care' but if you take a look at the Ofsted factsheet 'numbers and ages of children' and go to section 7 it states the following

7. Paragraph 3.29 in the EYFS also allows childminders to care for more children in the early years age group through an overarching ‘exceptional circumstances’ statement. We will normally interpret an exceptional circumstance as relating to the continuity of care for children and/or where sibling children are not babies. These are times where it may be in children’s best interests to be with their brothers and sisters who are already with a childminder, or to remain with the same childminder where circumstances may change the number of children the childminder can care for, such as a parent extending their working hours. This type of arrangement would end when either the parent adjusted their hours or a child left the childminder’s care. It does not give the permission to operate with more children in the early years age group at all times.

Hope this helps


08-11-2012, 07:54 AM
The Eyfs was written by D of E.

One of the queries childminders needed clarifying urgently was about when variations could be put in place under the revised framework.

Ofsted then wrote the document Christine is referring to - to clarify the situation. It is document 080293 on the Ofsted website.

You will also find more info in this thread -


And there are 2 documents in free resources as I am sure you know.

Hth :D

08-11-2012, 05:12 PM
Thank you Christine that's exactly the paragraph I was thinking of but thought I'd read it in EYFS somewhere. Thanks for the links Sarah.
Now I just need 5 minutes peace from my daughter to write something up!