View Full Version : 2 pennies question

29-09-2012, 02:02 PM
I'm catching up with LJ and obs and all. have a blank at what area of leraning this would bets fit :

this is what we did :

gave the children a dish of bubble mix and mixed shapes and differnt style bubble blower. 28months old tried different ones than chose the one shaped like a whistle and manage greta bubble blowing.

i know we can link to loads but what is the main one in your opinion?

PSRN : for working out how tools work?

kuw experimenting with bubble liquid, making bubbles...


29-09-2012, 05:50 PM
Look back at your planning and the child's next step - or if it was just for fun there's no real need to link. I just put ' x really enjoyed <whatever> and chose blahdiblah' and leave it at that :)

29-09-2012, 08:35 PM
Pd - handling - developing fine motor skills...

Uw - finding out how things work

Maths - if the child was talking about size and shape

Sounds like great fun! :D