View Full Version : I'm in a grump and need to rant!

11-07-2012, 03:56 PM
Grrrrrrrr! Got soaked this afternoon, DDs school have been on a trip. Two buses went, mindee on one, DD on the other. Buses due back at 3.25. Stood with DS and mindee in buggy under raincover, other mindee stood by me in raincoat and wellies. Bus one arrives at 3.40, bus 2 arrives at 4pm. It was teaming down, we were drowned!!!!! So thats put me in a bad mood.

Now one mindee is supposed to be collected at 4.30. Always a few minutes late. Now its 4.55 and no sign. No phone call, no text, just taking the mick as usual.

Cant wait til all gone home - I need a drink! :laughing:

11-07-2012, 03:59 PM
Ahhh, there we go!! something to read!

Sorry you had a sh*t day and got soaked.
Hope wine o'clock come round soon!!

11-07-2012, 04:11 PM
OMG - Dad turns up 35 mins late and says "i've just noticed Ive had a call from you" I said "yes, I was just checking you were coming to get him", Dad says "yeah I got caught up". No sorry, no nothing. Ended up with me almost apologising for bothering him!!! I need to grow a pair!

blue bear
11-07-2012, 04:14 PM
You should have said, no worries I'll add the late collection to your bill!
When you write the next bill just add it on even though you never said anything and every time he is late put that on too. When he queries it say as per contract it's x for late pick ups. When he blows his top say ok I will let it go this time but will definetly be charging in future.
Practice in from of the mirror until you are confident, you need to take charge or he will think you are ok with him turning up when he feels like it.

11-07-2012, 10:11 PM
You should have said, no worries I'll add the late collection to your bill!
When you write the next bill just add it on even though you never said anything and every time he is late put that on too. When he queries it say as per contract it's x for late pick ups. When he blows his top say ok I will let it go this time but will definetly be charging in future.
Practice in from of the mirror until you are confident, you need to take charge or he will think you are ok with him turning up when he feels like it.

No! When he blows his top, you just politely suggest that inorder to avoid these charges in future he picks up on time or else you are happy to review your contracted hours to cover the longer day they need.

jaswinder bedi
11-07-2012, 10:39 PM
Oh dear! You truly dint have. Great day, :panic: