View Full Version : Learning journals

06-06-2012, 07:34 AM
What do you put in your learning journals? Do you fill them in daily? Has anyone got a sample copy of one I could see please? Just not sure what I need to put in it etc.

06-06-2012, 07:43 AM
I am in Wales so we are regulated slightly differently but the basics are the same. I have a daily diary in which I write hoe the child has been, what we have done, what and how much they have eaten, if they have slept and for how long and so on. This stays in the child's bag for them to take home daily and then the parents have the opportunity to write in anything that they wish to point out to me. I then have a scrap book for each child which stays here. In this I keep some "artwork", photos of things we have done, exciting events and the dates etc. This stays here, but I intend to have review meetings with the parents every six months so this can be discussed and they can see it then (they can see it at their request any time) and then when the child leaves they can take it with them. Hope this helps x

06-06-2012, 07:47 AM
Thanks stargazer, that sounds like a good idea.

I'm not sure what we require to have in Scotland, hopefully someone can answer that too but I like the idea of what you do. Do you have a master form that you just fill in daily for each child?

06-06-2012, 07:54 AM
No, I just have like a spiralled notebook that stays in childs bag. Daily it goes something along the lines of:

"Wednesday 6th June 2012

X happy and settled. This morning we did messy play with gloop. X really enjoyed. We went out for a walk prior to lunch and had outdoor play in the garden this afternoon. We read xxxx story at story time. X joined in at singing time.

Lunch was shepherds pie with added hidden veg and yogurt to follow. X ate well and cleared plate. Snacks were toast and raisins mid morning and a bowl of mixed fruit mid afternoon.

X slept from 1.30 to 2.00. Changed nappy twice."

This is just a rough example of what would go in daily. I also add a note of any holiday I am taking. I have already told parents I am off for two weeks in August but last week I put an extra note at the bottom to say, just a reminder that I will close on x for a fortnight and reopen at 8am on x.

06-06-2012, 02:19 PM
i have observations (short post it notes and long full ones), pictures, ages and stages sheets, planning sheets, activity sheets, examples of work