View Full Version : Anybody use a Walkodile?

27-05-2012, 09:20 PM

Just wondering if anybody has seen or used these and has any feedback. I am looking into my options for September when I will have three reception age children (just age 4) and a pushchair, walking from a busy school to car. :)

miss mopple
27-05-2012, 09:32 PM
I really wouldnt waste your money. I usually walk 6 to school, crossing roads etc and as long as they are taught the rules they respond well and are sensible. Mine just wear high viz vests and know not to run. If they do they must hold the buggy or have the treat of reins. I'd feel really self conscious walking them on one of those personally and I think my lot would hate it. Just my opinion though :)

27-05-2012, 09:42 PM
I saw one of these a couple of years ago at a show, I wasn't impressed - I think the children would feel,a bit silly holding on to that and I don't think it would be that easy to supervise them and push a buggy.

Like miss mopped says you'll soon get the hang of walking the children to school as long as you set the boundaries for them

Miffy xx